Our Client

French Manufacturing Giant

Campaign Objective


Distributor Expansion

Build an indirect channel of sub dealers serviced through its loyal preferred wholesalers to create visibility and influence 60%+ of its primary business from wholesalers.


Market Expansion

Win clients in key geos and increase the market reach.


Demand Generation

The brand wanted to build a demand generation engine for targeting projects sites, creating lead along with influencer management and sales expansion.


Alignment issue of SD and wholesalers network

Inability to identify and derive strategic customer & geography

Lack of real time reporting, tracking and secondary management

Challenges with influencer on-boarding and management

Execution Methodology

Highly Integrable

Recruitment & Onboarding

Hired, trained, and deployed 200+ trade marketing executives and conducted upskilling and product/process/soft skill training to all resources. Successfully implemented resource back-filling (replacement readiness for business continuity).

Highly Integrable

Lifecycle Management & Enablement

Delivered statutory & payroll management along with attendance and performance tracking (Maintain Discipline, Hygiene).

Highly Integrable

Training and Enablement

Deployed a hybrid training engine (CRT, OJT and remote training ) to Upskill and impart product/process/soft skill training to all resources and enable them as advocates/champs. Improved employee satisfaction through R&R, Monthly connect & various employee engagement program to minimize attrition.

Highly Integrable

Technology & BI Analytics

Enabled and automated the delivery process through proprietary sales force automation tool Design, develop the Tech platform (SFA -Web & Mobile Based).

Highly Integrable

Performance Management

Driving Non-Sales KPI-Beat plan adherence, Sales target achievment, Customer Activation & influencer Management etc.

Services Offered

Field Sales & Marketing

Sales Training

Email Marketing

LinkedIn Marketing


Webinar Management

Program Reach

Progrm Reach

Technology leverage

Field Sales Force Automation (Web & Mobile-based)

Impact Generated


Qtr on Qtr Secondary sales growth


fabricator/influencer enrolled in 2 quarters


SD Coverage increased


channel base and built efficient SD network

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