
Here's a question for you: "How many times do you open promotions or marketing messages received on email or SMS?" Almost negligible, right? And even if you do open them, how many of you then delete or move them to spam and, in some cases, even unsubscribe from the list?

Surely, the era of email marketing and SMS marketing has long been left behind. With the advent of messaging platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, the channels to connect with customers have also taken a big shift.

The customer experience landscape is constantly adapting to the ever-evolving whims of consumers. Gone are the days of static websites and impersonal interactions. Legacy businesses must pivot from tele-based customer service strategies and incorporate new-age conversational platforms to get more eyeballs and click-through rates. Today, the battlefield is won and lost on personalization, convenience, and immediacy. Enter the game-changer: Conversational Commerce. Big business process outsourcing organizations like Denave are already enabling businesses to tap into their conversational channels like LinkedIn, Facebook, WeChat, and WhatsApp to convert every customer interaction into a potential sales opportunity.

A 2023 report by Juniper Research predicts that conversational commerce transactions will reach a staggering $26.5 billion by 2027, a testament to its growing popularity.

What is conversational commerce?

But what exactly is conversational commerce? It's the intersection of messaging platforms, AI-powered chatbots, and e-commerce, creating a seamless shopping experience through natural, two-way conversations. Imagine WhatsApp as your virtual mall, Facebook Messenger as your personal concierge, and WeChat as your one-stop shop for everything from groceries to travel bookings.

Imagine a world where you can browse, compare, and purchase your next pair of shoes, all through a casual chat with a friendly AI assistant. Or picture effortlessly scheduling a haircut, booking a flight, or resolving a customer service issue, all within the familiar comfort of your favourite messaging app. This is the reality that conversational commerce is weaving, redefining CX across channels and transforming how brands connect with their customers.

Channels of Conversational Commerce:

• Messaging Apps: Platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and WeChat are burgeoning hubs for conversational commerce. Brands can utilize these channels for product recommendations, order tracking, customer support, and even direct purchase.
• Chatbots: AI-powered chatbots offer 24/7 support, answer questions, and personalize product recommendations. They can handle routine inquiries, freeing human agents for complex tasks, while simultaneously providing immediate assistance to customers.
• Virtual Assistants: Voice-activated assistants like Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa are increasingly integrated into smart homes and devices. Brands can leverage these platforms to offer hands-free shopping experiences, schedule appointments, and provide on-demand customer support.

The impact of conversational commerce on customer experience is multi-faceted:


  • 1

    Convenience and Speed:

    Forget navigating clunky websites or enduring endless phone queues. Conversational commerce puts the power in the customer's hands, allowing them to shop, troubleshoot, and access information at their own pace, on their preferred platform. This eliminates friction points and fosters a sense of control, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

  • 2

    Personalized Engagement:

    Chatbots, powered by AI and machine learning, can understand individual preferences and tailor recommendations in real-time. This personalized approach fosters deeper connections with customers, making them feel valued and understood. Imagine a chatbot suggesting the perfect travel package based on your past vacation preferences or recommending a new book based on your reading history.

  • 3

    24/7 Availability:

    Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar stores or limited-hour call centers, conversational commerce never sleeps. Customers can access support and services anytime, anywhere, removing geographical and temporal barriers. This immediate availability builds trust and strengthens customer relationships.

  • 4

    Improved Efficiency:

    Chatbots can handle repetitive tasks like FAQs and order tracking, freeing up human agents to focus on complex issues and personalized interactions. This not only improves customer service but also reduces operational costs for businesses.

  • 5

    Data-Driven Insights:

    Conversational commerce generates a wealth of data about customer behavior, preferences, and pain points. This data can be used to personalize marketing campaigns, improve product offerings, and optimize the overall customer journey.

    The use cases for conversational commerce are as diverse as the customers themselves. Here are a few examples:
    • Retail: Chatbots can help customers find products, compare prices, and complete purchases, all within a messaging app.
    • Travel: Book flights, hotels, and activities, manage reservations, and receive real-time updates, all through a chatbot.
    • Finance: Check account balances, transfer funds, and get financial advice, all within a secure messaging platform.
    • Healthcare: Schedule appointments, ask medical questions, and receive health tips, all through a convenient chatbot interface.


The future of conversational commerce is bright and brimming with possibilities. We can expect advancements in AI, the integration of augmented reality and virtual reality, and the emergence of voice-based assistants, further blurring the lines between the physical and digital worlds.

In conclusion, conversational commerce is not just a fad; it's a revolution in the making. By embracing this technology, businesses can create exceptional customer experiences, build stronger relationships, and drive growth in a competitive landscape. So, the next time you envision the future of CX, don't picture a faceless website or a robotic phone call. Instead, imagine a world of personalized interactions, instant gratification, and endless possibilities, all powered by the magic of conversation.

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