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Events are a powerful tool for driving distributor engagement, bolstering brand image, and keeping channel partners engaged. They provide a unique opportunity to connect with distributors on a personal level, showcase your products and services, and build relationships.

In today's competitive marketplace, it is more important than ever to invest in event marketing that will help you stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of your target audience. Event marketing activities like roadshows, corporate events, trade shows, distributor events, and more can help businesses build visibility among it's partners and consumers at the same time. In this blog, we will cover a case study of India's leading shoe brand Lancer who hosted a well-organized and informative event to engage distributors and show them that they valued their partnership.

How Denave Helped Lancer Organize a Mega Distributor Event?

Lancer, one of India's largest shoe brands, wanted to organize a mega distributor event to drive distributor and channel partner engagement, while also using the opportunity to launch its new line of shoes. They partnered with Denave, a leading event management and BTL marketing company, to organize the event. Denave worked closely with Lancer to understand their vision and objectives for the event. They then developed a comprehensive plan that addressed all of the challenges, including:
Design: Denave designed a visually stunning event space that showcased Lancer's brand and products in the best possible light. They used innovative lighting and décor to create a festive and inviting atmosphere.
Product displays: Denave created innovative product displays that showcased Lancer's new shoe line in a unique and eye-catching way. They also developed interactive activities to allow distributors to experience the shoes firsthand.
Influencer marketing: The event was headlined by a variety of influencers, models, TV artists, Yoga and Zumba trainers and media luminaries.

Challenges faced by Lancer

Lancer faced a number of challenges in planning and executing their event. First, they did not have an in-house team with the experience or expertise to organize a major event. Second, they needed to ensure that the event was well-coordinated and that all the elements, from the design to the product displays, were on-point. Third, they needed to attract a large number of distributors to the event and generate excitement for their new shoe line.

Experiential event that translated into memorable experiences

Denave delivered end-to-end event marketing solutions to help Lancer overcome the challenges they faced. First, Denave's experienced team handled all aspects of the event planning and execution, from the design to the marketing and promotion. Second, Denave's innovative approach to product displays and interactive activities helped to generate excitement for Lancer's new shoe line and engage distributors. The Denave team also orchestrated a stunning display of Lancer’s new shoe line with on-stage activities like dance performances, Yoga, and Zumba activities by international artists.

Impacts of the Event

The event was a huge success, attracting over 2000 distributors from across India. The distributors were impressed with the scale and scope of the event, as well as the innovative product displays and interactive activities. The event successfully launched over 1500 Lancer shoes which was well-received by the distributors.


Lancer's mega distributor event is a case study in how to successfully launch a new product line and engage with distributors. By partnering with Denave, Lancer was able to overcome the challenges of planning and executing a large-scale event and achieve their desired results.

Key Takeaways

Here are some key takeaways from Lancer's event:

• Partner with an experienced event management company. Denave's experience and expertise were essential to the success of Lancer's event.
• Invest in innovative product displays and interactive activities. Denave's innovative product displays and interactive activities helped to generate excitement for Lancer's new shoe line and engage distributors.
• Develop a comprehensive marketing and promotion campaign. Denave's marketing and promotion campaign helped to attract a large number of distributors to the event.

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